Timothy Cheng
who was from Catholic High School, Jalan Gasing took Bible Knowledge for SPM in 2006. He obtained 11A1s, including Bible Knowledge. He studied in Negeri Sembilan Matriculation College, Kuala Pilah. He will graduate soon from Medical school in University of Malaya.
Without hesitation, I would encourage everyone out there to take Bible Knowledge as a SPM subject. Through this subject, I have learnt so many things that I never knew existed before. My eyes were opened and heart was humbled as I realized that there was so much more to God, the Bible and Christianity than this proud mind thought it knew.
As my teacher (Ms Yeo Kim Eng) took us through the lessons faithfully every Thursday night, the gospel of Luke and the Acts of the apostles sprang to life and it was the only tuition class I ever looked forward too. =P It was also the place where I could chew on solid spiritual food (Hebrew 5:12).
From Luke, as I journeyed with him through the land of Palestine, listened to his parables, cried with him in the garden of Gethsemane and rejoiced at his resurrection, I realized how difficult it must have been for Jesus to come down, to be tempted, mocked and to save this stubborn human race. I was able to work out my salvation “with fear and trembling” (Phil 2:12) it dawned on me how significant this event was. Before this, it was just Christmas to Easter for me.
From the book of Acts, I learnt about the early church, and the role of the Holy Spirit in its expansion. It gave me a clear picture about evangelism and the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The apostle Paul and Peter’s boldness to step out and stand out for Christ has encouraged and inspired me to keep the flame burning as I remember how the apostles were persecuted for their work. This was also Paul’s hope for all of us, to make evangelism a lifestyle. (Acts 26:29)
To those of you who have chosen to take Bible Knowledge as a subject for SPM, I say to you, you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. I daresay that it is almost compulsory that every Christian take this subject for SPM for only by lifting the sword can we wield it against the enemy. What you learn in Bible Knowledge will stay with you for the rest of your life. (Matthew 24:35) As you round your last corner into the final sprint towards SPM, let the words of Paul encourage you from Hebrew 12:1.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
All the best and remember, Soli Deo Gloria!