Sherina Mary Windsor
studied at SMK Sri Aman, P.J. She obtained 4A+’s, 2A’s and 4A-‘s in the 2011 SPM.
I would like to thank and praise God for His blessings in my secondary school life, especially in Form Five. Last year was a very stressful SPM year. I had a hard time with homework, tuition and school activities. Sometimes I got really afraid thinking that I was not going to perform well in SPM as I am not a very bright student.
However, God was always by my side, constantly reminding me that He is in control of everything. I took up Bible Knowledge too for SPM. Although it was tough at first, I started enjoying, learning about Luke and Acts in depth. I prayed and asked God to help me to get 10 A’s. However, I knew that whatever the results was, God knows the best. My parents told me not to worry about my results but just do my best. My BK teacher always reminded me that God will acknowledge me for learning and taking up BK for SPM.
I am really thankful to God for giving me 10 A’s in SPM. It was definitely His blessing. Nothing else. I could not have done it with my own strength. Not at all. I never got higher than 75% for BK before. Not even in trials. I was always disappointed with my BK marks, but God is great. I got an A for BK in SPM. I trusted in God and He never let me down. Nothing is impossible with God. Glory to God Almighty. Praise God.
Ng Sherwin
studied at SMK Assunta, PJ. Sherwin obtained 8A+’s and 2A’s in the 2011 SPM.
First thing’s first, I want to give all praise and glory to God and thank Him for blessing me with such good results. I truly would never have imagined to be one of the few to get an A+ in BK this year. Without God, I would never have gotten this far. Those who know me would know I’m not a very studious person. A lot of my studying is done last minute, but miraculously God has made this work for me.
I also owe my results to an amazing, dedicated and experienced BK teacher, Ms Moey, who has been tirelessly teaching BK for many years. As her students, we were required to study and memorize passages every week before coming for classes. It was tough, as no other SPM subject required that much commitment, but it has definitely paid off. Ms Moey has brought to life many of the events in Luke and Acts for me.
By taking BK for SPM, I’ve come to realize and appreciate the important small details and significances of events in Luke and Acts. It is the first time I’ve truly studied books of the bible so carefully, and by knowing His Word so well, I have really seen God at work in my life.
I would encourage all Christian students to take BK for SPM. It may be tough, but the time and effort invested in studying this subject is very worth it. It will not just be head knowledge for SPM, but this knowledge will be real and applicable throughout your life!
9 How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.
10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
12 Praise be to you, LORD; teach me your decrees.
13 With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth.
14 I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
16 I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word. Psalm 119:9-16
Calwin Tang
scored 7A+’s, 1A, 1A- and 2B+’s, including a B+ for BK, in the 2011 SPM.
I attended Bible Knowledge class every Sunday during my Form 4 and Form 5. To be honest, the reason I signed up for Bible Knowledge was due to the constant pushing towards that direction by my mother. I was hesistant to do it because of the extra effort needed as I already had 10 other SPM subjects.
When Bible Knowledge comes to my mind, I initially thought of it as another subject to memorize, like History. As my BK lessons proceeded, I actually learnt things deeper than what it seemed at the surface. It was actually interesting to learn so much surprising stuff about my own religion, like causes and effects of decisions made by people. BK equipped me with a better understanding of the Christian life based on the Word of God and not opinions of others.
The SPM BK paper itself was very basic and not difficult. The skills I learnt in BK, such as absorbing information better, actually helped me to do well in SPM. Why take BK as another subject in SPM? Well, if you want to learn a foreign language, you would need to go beyond initial greetings to holding an intelligible conversation, right?
You have to make your own decision, although my mother would say, as a child of God, you certainly would want to read your Father’s letter to you, even if you don’t score A+.
Best of luck with your future endeavours.
Ivanna Yap En Tse
When I started Form 4 in 2010 I decided to take Bible Knowledge as my 11th subject although only 10 subjects were allowed then. Being told the grading system would be high did not deter me either: learning and knowing the truth of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ was more important.
Yipee! The Lord opened the way…came 2011, the Education Ministry announced we were allowed “10+2” subjects! Next hurdle was the cruelty of putting the Sejarah and BK paper on the same day! Thanks be to God, He graciously gave me A for BK and A+ for Sejarah and an overall of 9 A+ and 2 A’s in the SPM which made me the top student for SM St Anne Labuan. No regrets in taking BK, instead, the lessons and insights learnt are immense and irreplaceable. So, seek first the kingdom of God.
Vanessa, Valerie and Vivian Chong
from SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn, Selangor
We, the triplets got to know about Bible Knowledge through our church members in All Saints’ Church. Studying Bible Knowledge for SPM has been fun and it has led us to a balanced spiritual life where we too understand more about God. We were the only candidates taking BK for SPM in our school and most of our teachers had not even heard of BK! Our dad has been the most supportive person. He encouraged us to do our best to glorify God and always says “whatever it is, the grades don’t matter”. He even attended the Regional Quiz and the BK Oral quiz with us.
The three of us understood more of the Bible as we studied Luke and Acts every week for one and a half years. We did not score A’s but our lives have become richer and more powerful by the Living Word of God. It’s a great blessing to have our BK teacher teach us and give us intensive classes during the period of preparation for SPM. We highly recommend this subject to all SPM candidates. Find JOY studying this subject! It is an ETERNAL investment! Don’t miss the chance.
Lee Chen Yuan
studied at Convent Holy Infant Jesus, Melaka, and scored a B+ for BK.
Bible Knowledge is a remarkable subject for Christians to take up. For me, BK had made an impact on my life. Not only is my faith towards God strengthened but my daily life as a student has been smoothened. After taking up BK, I find that I can memorize better especially in Biology for Form 6. BK improved my English language and ability to write fast as well. Frankly, BK is one of the subjects that can be scored A easily just by having to read the book of Luke and Acts a few times and understand them well. For me, throughout the whole 2 years of form 4 and form 5, I think I had read book of Luke and Acts around 5 to 10 times, especially the front chapters and did exercises that were in the books. I managed to score an A for BK in 2011 SPM.